Bixby Freedom Run - Supporting Bixby Teachers - $10 back to Bixby Educational Endowment Foundation » Knowledge Base » Event Setup

Keep registration open during event day

If you are looking to have registration open during the event day, there are a few key areas you will want to make sure are covered:

Time between close of registration and event start:

The most important factor you will need to consider is making sure there is a buffer between registration close and the start of the event. Since each event is unique, you will want to make sure you have time between close of registration and the event start time for tasks such as: bib assignment, start list creation, participant download, and/or anything else the event requires.

Participant payment:

The athleteReg database is always updated in real-time and with a mobile first design, participants should be encouraged to register by phone or mobile device. Occasionally, when multiple cards are processed on the same computer with it’s unique IP address, the payment processor will mark the payments as fraudulent. To avoid that, it’s best to encourage participants to register on their own device.


If you have an event waiver that requires a wet signature, it’s important to give enough time in between the close of registration and event start to allow for participants to sign the paper waiver. 


As always, if you have any questions, email us anytime at [email protected]